

Keine Änderung der Größe, 23:44, 2. Jul. 2012
/* Quickstart guide */
== Quickstart guide ==
* Install library: Unzip all to your /libraries/ folder.
* Copy the file /libraries/SimpleSDAudio/examples/exampleEXAMPLE.raw AFM to root folder of a freshly formated SD card (don't use quick format!).
* Connect SD card to your Arduino board (using shield or whatever, SD card's chip select should go to pin 4, all other to SPI pins).
* Connect a speaker or headphone via 100 ohm resistor in series to audio output pin (pin 9 on Arduinos with ATmega168/328, pin 44 on Arduinos with ATmega1280/2560). Connect other end of speaker to GND.